Manmohan Singh Along with Sonia Gandhi |
Manmohan Singh:
Prime minister is the guardian of the country. He is the torch bearer of the
Raj Dharma. He is the hope of millions of poor and weak citizens of the country. He is the one who has to fructify the promise made by the architects of the constitution, by securing to all the Indians - the virtues of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity.
You are sitting at a very esteemed chair and the country expects you to live up to the demands and expectations of this chair. It's unfortunate that you have chosen to behave like the helpless Dhritrashtra, who knew in his heart that
Pandavas were right, and yet chose to silently support his
adharmi sons! Before the fight against corruption began, you were a highly respected person in India. You were regarded as one of the best Finance Minsters this country has ever produced, and at the age of 79, destiny provided you with a wonderful opportunity of signing off as one of the best prime ministers as well! Alas you shall now be remembered as the leader of the most corrupt government of India.
Don't forget that you are from the land of King Harischandra and Lord Ram. Don't forget that you are the follower of a religion whose gurus have lived and died by a code. And don't forget that your surname is Singh (Lion). For god's sake stop mewing like a Cat and roar like a Lion for a change. Stand up for the common man of India and let the corrupt forces within your government know that enough is enough. Please discard the Jokepal drafted by your colleagues and support the real Lokpal bill. You have an opportunity of creating History, don't become a part of History.
Sonia Gandhi :
You came to India as a daughter in law and India treated you as its own daughter. Such is the love of Indians towards you that despite being a foreigner, you hold the record of having served as the president of independent India's largest political party for 10 consecutive years.
Nature has designed us to love those who love us. Even animals love those who love them. India loves you, do you love India too? India has given you its vote but what have you given India in return other than dozens of scams like 2G, Commonwealth etc? Why aren't you willing to take a concrete step against corruption?
Why shouldn't India believe that you have actively/passively been involved in corruption yourself? After all, is it just a co-incidence that the moment your party comes to power for the second time, Mr Quattrocchi gets a clean chit from the CBI (which is incidentally controlled by your own government)? If Dr Swamy is to be believed then in the past you have been guilty of violating FERA and of using the official residence of the then Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi for your personal business! He has accused you of many more wrong doings (and has given many proofs substantiating his allegations). I don't know whether these charges are true or not but I know one thing for sure that when Anna was busy fighting for a corruption free India, you were busy holidaying at Europe with your son!
India is the land of Sita and Laxmi Bai. Please live up to the high standards which the daughters of India have set for you.
Rahul Gandhi:
You could have arrived at the Indian political scene as a fresh stroke of wind. Amidst a plethora of old, energy less, corrupt, regionalist and castist politicians, it would have been refreshing to see a young politician with new and innovative ideas for the nation. Unfortunately you have disappointed one and all by becoming the classic case of 'an inferior product with an excellent packet'.
You have made many so called secret trips to the rural parts of India at the pretext of understanding the nation. However, what I fail to understand is - how come all your secret trips land up on the first page of prominent newspapers! Instead of these PR stunts had you genuinely traveled the length and the breadth of the country, you would have realized that in this country a common man has to pay a bribe for acquiring the birth certificate of his children and the death certificate of his parents! He has to grease the palms of the registrar for getting his own house registered and the RTO officer for the papers of his own automobile! He has to pay bribe for his passport as well as the driving license! Infact not a single work in the government offices of our India gets done without paying a bribe!
The noted Gandhian Anna Hazare who has caught the imagination of the nation with his non violent crusade against corruption. |
Your destiny has perhaps been scripted by god's favorite Pen. You are not just born in India's most powerful political family, but you are also getting to use the surname of undoubtedly the most powerful leader of modern times in this world. Great leaders like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi etc drew their inspiration from Mahatama Gandhi. Try contesting an election on the name of
Raul Vinci (the name which you had used in your university), and you would know for yourself as to how deep in the water you stand! You are using the surname of Gandhi but you have not inculcated a single value of Mahatama Gandhi in you. All his life, Mahatama Gandhi stood up for the rights of the Indians. Mahatama Gandhi would come to street to solve the problems of the Indians, whereas whenever you come on street, you end up becoming a problem for the Indians (thanks to your cavalcade and elaborate security arrangements)!
Mahatama Gandhi: The man who needs no introduction |
Life always gives a second chance to everyone. Valmiki was a dacoit, life gave him a chance to become a sage, he grabbed it with both the hands and became immortal by writing Ramayana. Supporting the 'Jan Lokpal' bill is going to be your 'Valmiki moment'. Jan Lokpal is the impetus that shall convert your ordinary political career into an extra ordinary one. If you rise above the vice of greed and side by the common man of India, then like Valmiki, your name shall become immortal in the History of Indian Politics.
Final words to all the politicians:
The pride of power can be more intoxicating than any drug possibly known to mankind. However, pride always comes before a fall. History has witnessed the downfall of proud men like Ravan, Kansa & Duryodhan. If you fail to learn lessons from History, and if you continue to ignore the common Indians on the issue of Jan Lokpal then you shall see you fall too.
References & Related reading:
(1). Do you know your Sonia
Truth about Rahul's MPhil