To all the fanatic Muslims and Hindus

No matter which continent you are in, no matter which language you speak, no matter what food you eat and no matter what dress you put on, there are chances that you may be the next target of the ruthless Muslim terrorists who don't think twice before killing innocent men, women and children.

These enemies of humanity have taken millions of innocent lives in India, USA, UK, Russia, Israel, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines & many more countries of the world.

No person in his right frame of mind will ever support their barbaric acts, but unfortunately these terrorists have a huge pool of sympathisers in the Muslim world. When ever the world criticises or condemns their heinous acts, their supporters waste no time in playing the 'victims' tune. They justify the mindless killings at the hands of these lunatics by using a lame excuse that the Muslims are simply retaliating against their suppression & oppression by the non Muslims ! However the truth is far from it. Lets have a look at this :-

(1). With an exception of Turkey & few more countries, almost all the Muslim dominated countries in this world are Islamic in nature, which means in these countries no non Muslim can ever become a president or a prime minister. Whereas in most of the Non Muslim countries even a Muslim can become the head of the state.

(2). No Muslim in an Islamic country can get converted to Hinduism,Christianity or any other religion. If a Muslim ever does that then the court orders him to be killed. But there is no such rule in non Islamic nations. A Christian in America or a Hindu in India would not be punished even if he gets converted to Islam.

(3). No non Muslim can enter the holy city of Mecca & Medina. But do we ever have a rule which bars the Muslims from entering the holy cities of other religions such as Jerusalam, Amritsar, Ayodhya etc ?

(4). In Islamic countries, even the non Muslims have to abide by the Sharia laws, which means no non Muslim in such countries can worship his god in public, eat food during the month of Ramzan, drink alcohol etc. But there is no such rule in non Muslim countries which prohibit the Muslims from worshipping their Allah in public.

(5). Both the Gujrat riots and the demolition of Babri Masjid are unfortunate incidents. But then hundreds of Hindu temples have been destroyed in Kashmir and Lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits have been killed and displaced at Kashmir. So isn't that a suppression of Hindus? Should the Hindus also pick up arms against the Muslims?

In the light of above mentioned facts, I guess it's high time that the Extremist Muslims peep in their own collar instead of pointing fingers at others.

Are the Muslims being discriminated in India?
Many extremist Muslims try to influence the liberals by creating an environment of paranoia amongst them. The extremists leave no stone unturned to make the liberals believe that they are being discriminated in India. However lets have a look at the reality:-

(1). In India, Muslims have been given the status of
'Minority' which entitles them to many grants and subsidies by the government. And all these grants come at the cost of the 'Majority'.

(2). We don't ban the paintings of M F Hussain. But we ban the book 'Satanic verses' written by Sulman Rushdie.

(3). There is no common civil code. Muslims are allowed to follow the Sharia.

(4). Massive subsidies worth hundreds of crores are given to the Hajj pilgrims.

(5). A politician like Karunanidhi can proclaim Lord Ram to be a fictitious character. But no politician can ever claim that Prophet Mohammad was not a prophet but just a normal man.

(6). There are special reservations in jobs for the Muslims in many Indian states like Tamilnadu, Kerela, Andhra etc. Needless to say, every reserved seat means a less seat for the candidates from other religions.

(7). We have Muslims in almost all the walks of life. The richest Muslim business man of the world (Azim Premji) is an Indian. We have had Muslim presidents and vice presidents. Bollywood is ruled by the Khans.

(8). The candidature of APJ Abdul Kalam (a Muslim) was supported by parties like BJP and Shiv Sena. Infact after the completion of his first term, it was only Shiv Sena which was willing to support him for the second term too.

(9). There is not a single non Muslim who does not respect patriots like Abdul Hamid and Ashfaqullah Khan. This clearly suggests that if a Muslim is patriotic then a non Muslim would have no problems in respecting him.

For all the hard line fanatic Hindus
If you believe that Islam is a religion of terror and Muslims are the members of a satanic cult. Then it's time for you guys to peep in your collar too. Let me show you some issues with Hinduism:-

(1). Not long ago we used to have an inhuman system called 'Sati' in which the women used to be burnt alive along with the dead body of their husbands. Isn't this barbaric ? And don't be under any mistake, this system was not eliminated because of the initiatives of general Hindus. Raja Ram Mohan Roy faced stiff resistance from his own family members when he spoke against this inhuman system. Had the British not made it illegal, this system would still have been prevalent.

(2). We used to practise another inhuman system called 'untouchability'. According to this system a person from low caste could not walk on the same path which was used by some one from the high caste, could not bath in the same river, could not use the same well and so on. And incase he failed to do so, then he could even be killed ! Mind you, this system is still prevalent in some parts of India.

(3). Another inhuman practise in Hinduism is 'Honour killling'.

Request to all
Having read many scriptures of Hindusim like Bhagwad Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharata etc I can say it with authority that none of the above mentioned practises are even remotely connected to Hinduism. But just because some mistaken souls used to practise them religiously, it would not be appropriate to assume that Hinduism teaches its followers to follow such barbaric practise. Similarly just because Many Muslims are terrorists, it is not right to assume that Islam teaches terrorism. We must always remember that there are three types of Muslims:
(1)Moderates (2) Uncertains & (3). Extremists

Repeated terror attacks have left many of us very angry. Under the surge of emotions we have started developing a feeling of hatred against all the Muslims. However such a feeling towards all the Muslims is highly unjustifiable. We must not forget that there are many moderate and uncertain Muslims. The moderates love the country as much as a patriotic Hindu does. Therefore it would be highly improper to vilify them for no fault of their's. Moreover such feeling of hatred towards the Muslims could be used as a tool by the Extremist Muslims to convert the moderates & the uncertains into extremists. And all these can have a catastrophic impact on our beloved nation.

The need of the hour is to get rid of our stereo types and pre conceived notions against the Muslims and treat every Muslim on his individual merit or demerit.

Let us all work together for one nation named India. Jai Hind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

even though we hindus have some social evils we eradicated it and still traying to eradicate it .

but musli ms r still following stone age ideologies.

u said sitortion of quran thats why muslims r becoming terrorists but hindus r not distirting gita and doing terroirsm

even though if anyone distorts our hindus will never encourage an they will counter it and so we say krishn ais womaniser and robber but poliseety broothers they wrote abt greatness of krishna sri krish geets by countering all anti hindus view and misconceptions etc.